i have tried many-a-times to tell my father,
what exactly have i come to do in SIMC
and the discussion, mostly, spiralled into the conclusion that i as an individual is devoid of any aim,
and a man without an aim is a man without a soul.
having given up other converts for simc (which often irked my father), it was becoming a futile task for me to explain it to him or to my friends or even to my juniors from degree college who where looking for a 'viable' solution to an mba college or whateever that meant.
partly, it was my fault also or should i was the man to blame.
FAST FORWARDING a few weeks ! >> !
finally i am able to convice dad- what actually is a communication management course.
not only him, i finally reflect the idea of SIMC to my friends and my peers.
CLAIRVOYANCE, the event that gave me that much needed industry insight, garnished my mind with wisdom of industry and people who are a part of it.
Never before was i so sure about the indsutry than i am now.
i never felt a part of it, until someone made me realize that how corrupt we are now, now since we are a part of it..
i was flattered to know i am not the only geek here in this crowd, almost everyone is.
i was so relieved to believe that this industry is not as formal or watertight as the I.T industry (which i had left, when i came here)
i am not saying i now have i aim or vision or a mission (pun inteneded, to those who understand), neither am i saying that Clairvoyance as an event has left me all enlightened and happy. No, i am not saying that.
All i am saying is - i dont know the path to my salvation, but... SIMC Clairvoyance makes me beleive, that the road that i left when i came here... Surely was not my path ! (and that surety, my dear readers, is a very very BIG thing)